It’s a Krule world: SOTW #5

I come to you today with a SOTW.

It’s more like an “artist of the week” because I can’t pick just one song, and this artist deserves way more recognition. If you don’t know who King Krule is (AKA Archy Marshall), I’m about to bring you along a sublime, musical journey, and I am very fortunate to. Some of my favorites are Easy Easy, Lead Existence and Baby Blue. There’s no genre you can categorize King Krule in, and if you can find accurate words to describe his unique voice, holler at me because I can’t think of the appropriate adjectives to use when I want to tell my friends to check him out.

I think the closest you can come to is like, alternative R&B-ish with rock-ish vibes, though I’m probably wrong. But, I love this. I’m going to attempt to not run off on a rabbit trail here, but I was having a conversation with a colleague today about how he was upset/confused about how he felt about me. He couldn’t “read” me-whatever the heck that means-, and that was making his brain turn to mush. He wasn’t having it. This new friend (let’s call him Jim) had this outlandish, yet somewhat reasonable (since many people have this facet) need to be able to put every person he met into a cookie-cutter personality-type thing. Do I like you? Do I hate you? What kind of person are you? But Jim couldn’t figure it out for me. I’m on the rabbit trail now, but what I’m trying to conclude is that I didn’t find it upsetting, personally. I regarded it as a compliment. I’m confusing and you can’t pin me into a mold of some common, ridiculous standard. That’s actually really cool. I’ll admit, it made my day. (I realize I sound like a manic pixie dream girl… I’m not, I’m like 95% pretty sure)

ANYWAYS, this kind of music is like that conversation I had today. You don’t know exactly what it is, and that’s why it’s so great.

King Krule is about to be your new favorite ginger. I mean singer.

(This music video is so cool)

Hope you enjoy the jazzy guitar chords. And hope you all had a great Tuesday. Oh, man it’s only Tuesday.

I can add gifs? ?? REvolutionary. Anyways, this is the King. Gif courtesy of Tumblr.